BlackBirdie 2024

The Competitions

The following seances will be held by the acolytes of the Ancient Bird. These might be split or joined depending on attendance.


NewSchool demo:
For the new disciples running hardware like A500 or better.
You will need to contact the clergy for any other hardware configuration than win10 32GB RTX3060.
(I.e. bring it or any other means to make a capture).

Oldskool demo:
For the true believers of the ancient bird running their ancient hardware like they are still 12 yo.
You will need to contact the clergy for any other hardware configuration than C64 with 6581 or 8580 and 1541.


NewSchool intro:
Size limitation 64kB, otherwise same as NewSchool demo.

Oldskool intro:
Size limitation 16kB, otherwise same as Oldskool demo.


NewSchool graphics:
Here you can worship your high resolution multicolored HD 4k and other modern stuff.

Oldskool graphics:
All the glory all the praise to the true icons created in the ancient ways.


Streaming music:
Freeform chanting.

Tracked music:
Chanting done right using the old ways.


The Jurassic mass:
Chaos chaos chaos! The Ancient Bird does not care about form! It only cares about the praise! Platform, form and other decisions are up to the creators.

Show and Tell

Show and Tell: Did you use your computer related ingenuity to create something worthy that will not fit into the restricted competitions? Has decided to let your cognitive skills have a break and leave it up to the AIs of the sub aether? Fear not! The Ancient Bird provides a platform for that as well.

Remote participation

For those of you that connot make it to the Black Mass, contact us at BlackBirdieRemote

Compo results

To get the results for 2023 BlackBirdie Logo. Glory to the participants!